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The last few months have been very busy following the exciting announcement that Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) had approved that AITC as a registered as an Institute of Higher Education that was accredited to offer the following courses, Master of Information Technology, Graduate Diploma of Information Technology and a Graduate Certificate in Information Technology.
I am delighted to announce that AITC has appointed the very experienced Professor Len Webster to be its Provost and lead our quality and risk agendas. Len qualifications include a Doctor of Philosophy (Education) from Monash University and a Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences from LaTrobe University. He has served a number of leading institutions and Universities in roles such as: Teaching and Research Fellow, Senior Higher Education Advisor and Director. Associate Professor in Educational Development and Flexible Learning. Senior executive in Higher Educational Development. Lecturer of Distance Education and a range of national teaching appointments. He is a member of the Australian College of Educators, the Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education , and, the Open Distance Learning Association Australia.
I am also delighted to announce the appointment of Associate Professor Rob Jarman who has taken up the role of Academic Dean with AITC. Rob holds a Doctor of Philosophy, a Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, and a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical), all from the University Technology Sydney (UTS). His professional affiliations include being a Fellow Institution of Engineers Australia and a member of the Australian Institute of Energy. He has served as Associate Professor, Associate Dean Teaching and Learning, Courses Committee (Chair), Quality Committee (Chair), Teaching & Learning Committee, and Academic Board, all at UTS. His PhD involved the investigation of technology transfer into developing communities and his scholarship includes research associated with PTC thermistors, the analysis of risks associated with lightning on protection schemes, the activities of the Australian Association of Engineering Education and the assessment and performance of Australian Learning and Teaching Fellows.
Emeritus Professor Archie Johnston
President and Chief Executive Officer
Australian Institute of Technology and Commerce
1 December 2021