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AITC aims to develop graduates with the attributes and skills necessary for today’s employment market. AITC aims to target quality students from diverse national backgrounds and to offer a multi-cultural learning and stimulating environment. AITC will also focus on academic research and innovation in industry through its research and innovation centre.
Current domestic and international economies have high demand for IT workers, while in the job markets, there are high demands for the acquisition and update of ICT skills, especially in the specializations of Artificial Intelligence (Al) and machine learning, Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality (VR/AR), data science, IT management and innovation, and cyber security. The existing network of education providers face significant challenges to adapt to such changes. The proposed courses in a nested format include three tiers of lengths of study at postgraduate levels (AQF8 and 9). These will provide flexible entry and exit points, and a variety of choices of specialisations and units that thereby meet the needs of a range of cohort of students.
The AlTC nested courses provide pathways for either non-IT professionals or people with certain IT backgrounds that need to gain new or updated knowledge and skills in the latest lCT technologies. While the Graduate Certificate and the Graduate Diploma focus on the foundations of the Core Body of Knowledge (CBOK) and problem-solving skills, the Master of IT provides students with enhanced levels of capabilities to handle complex challenges in ICT related work. Individual and critical thinking skills as well as analytical and investigatory competences that will be enhanced through the five specialisations, each of which concentrates on a specific domain of knowledge and skills that are needed for most popular and exciting lCT jobs.
AlTC will offer students the following postgraduate offerings upon gaining registration approval from TEQSA:
- Graduate Certificate in Information Technology (CRlCOS Code: 109115F)
- Graduate Diploma of Information Technology (CRICOS Code: 109116E)
- Master of Information Technology (CRICOS Code: 109117D) with a Major Study in one of the following:
- Software Development
- Network and Security
- Database and Artificial Intelligence
- Multimedia Computing